What Does a College Lecturer Do?

In a higher education setting, a college lecturer presents material, distributes assignments, and assigns final grades for classes. This type of instructor usually instructs large groups of students who must complete specific course requirements in order to receive a degree. A typical lecturer is an academic expert in a specific field. To be hired as a member of the faculty, most colleges and universities require a prospective academic lecturer to have at least a master’s degree. A college lecturer is frequently required to publish a certain number of researched academic papers in peer-reviewed journals in addition to teaching duties.

Typically, preparation for a career as a college lecturer begins during the undergraduate years. Future lecturers are frequently enthusiastic about a particular subject and eager to share what they have learned with others. A college lecturer typically earns a bachelor’s degree in this specific subject area and may also take courses in teaching theory, educational psychology, or classroom management. After completing these undergraduate requirements, the majority of aspiring lecturers continue their education at the graduate level. Working as a volunteer lecturer or teaching assistant is a popular way for people to gain experience speaking in front of large groups and giving engaging presentations.

Passing a comprehensive exam for licensure or certification as a higher education instructor may be one of the requirements for becoming a college lecturer. The scope of this exam varies by region, and new college lecturers usually only have a limited amount of time to pass. After passing this exam, a new professional lecturer is eligible to begin interviewing for open positions at universities. As junior or adjunct instructors, many colleges hire entry-level lecturers. A college lecturer can be promoted to a tenure-track teaching position after several years of teaching, publishing, and involvement in extracurricular activities.

A tenure-track lecturer typically earns a good salary, has a good benefits package, and is employed in a stable position. A college lecturer is typically hired based on performance evaluations, similar to how other types of jobs are promoted. When supervisors or administrators consider a college lecturer for a tenured position, they usually look at positive student reviews and continued improvement of teaching skills. Lecturers who publish original ideas in academic journals in their field have a good chance of being promoted and rewarded throughout their academic careers.