What Does a Commercial Development Manager Do?

A company hires a commercial development manager to oversee the company’s expansion into new product lines, additional services, and new customer acquisition. A commercial development manager’s job is to plan and implement a growth strategy for the company. Once the commercial development plan is in place, the development manager’s job is to put it to the test and present the results to upper management.

A commercial development manager is required many different types of businesses. The manager’s job is to find new customers and make more money. This is frequently achieved reorganizing current business practices and expanding existing services. This position analyzes the company’s field in order to come up with new ways to change and grow the business. These positions are typically found in both profitable and struggling businesses looking to reinvent themselves and their products.

A commercial development manager’s top priority is frequently finding new customers. Managers may want to increase the overall number of customers, or they may want to focus on a different demographic or type of customer. The development manager can use a variety of strategies to increase a company’s client base, such as new marketing efforts and implementing promotional changes.

Commercial development managers can also expand their business creating new product lines. A business can expand its product line offering goods and services that complement its current offerings. A development manager will analyze the company’s field and determine the best course of action to find new services and products that will work within the existing framework.

It can also be part of the commercial development manager’s job description to test the strategy’s success after the development manager’s plan to increase the customer base and present new products and services is in place. Data collection, customer sampling, and profit comparison are all used in the testing process. Once the data has been gathered, the development manager will prepare a report and a presentation to show company management the plan’s success or failure.

Before a person can be hired as a development manager, many companies require that they have at least an undergraduate degree. Many businesses also prefer candidates with a master’s degree in business administration. Working in entry-level positions under experienced development managers can help you gain experience in commercial development. Senior-level development management positions may necessitate a long history of successfully increasing commercial growth.