What Does a Community Relations Coordinator Do?

A community relations coordinator is someone who works for a company, corporation, or other organization that wants to project a positive image in the community. The community relations coordinator’s job is to serve as a liaison between the company for which he or she works and all other businesses in the community in order to foster positive, mutually beneficial relationships. Supposedly, this will increase the company’s profitability and reputation, encouraging others to patronize it. Individuals in this position may have a variety of responsibilities, but they usually include event planning, marketing, and sponsorship of local programs. The coordinator may also serve on the board of directors of local nonprofit organizations.

In general, the community relations coordinator’s job is to increase the visibility of the business in the local community by implementing projects that will benefit everyone in the community. Event planning is a big part of this. The coordinator may assist in the planning of fun events such as parades or festivals, often in collaboration with other local businesses. Charity events, such as foot races, are also very popular. This benefits people in need while also improving the company’s overall image.

Sponsoring events is another way the community relations coordinator improves the company’s image in the community. Even if the company does not host the events, they can still contribute money in exchange for advertising to make them happen. This could be as simple as a sign at the event indicating that the event is sponsored by the company. In some cases, the community relations coordinator will be in charge of giving a speech at the event, as well as writing press releases and other marketing materials to promote the event. Blood drives, for example, are a common occurrence.

The community relations coordinator is essentially the company’s “face,” so it’s critical for someone in this position to maintain a professional demeanor and keep the company’s image in mind at all times. This person will most likely be seen by groups of community members or board members who come to the company for a visit. The coordinator will also be responsible for ensuring that other company employees are properly representing the company and interacting with customers or visitors in a professional manner.