What Does a Credential Evaluator Do?

A credential evaluator examines education credentials from one country and determines what they are worth in another. In any situation where a person with foreign educational credentials wishes to use them to pursue work, apply for college, or engage in similar activities, the services of professionals in this field are required. Credential evaluators typically work from a home base and focus on determining the equivalency of other credentials in relation to the home country. A credential evaluator in India, for example, determines how foreign credentials would be translated into Indian terms.

The foreign documentation is the first thing the credential evaluator looks at. Some companies also offer translation services, while others may require documents to be submitted with a formal translation. She must be familiar with that country’s educational system in order to determine the most appropriate equivalency. If she is unfamiliar with a country’s credentialing system, she may conduct some research.

Credential evaluators can examine credentials from high school diplomas to credentials to practice as a doctor or lawyer at any level of education. They’ll translate the final credential into the most relevant terms for college admissions committees, employers, and other stakeholders. The cost of the service varies depending on the level of detail required and the type of research required by the credential evaluator.

Foreign applicants may be required to submit original documentation as well as a credential evaluator’s assessment. In some cases, a potential employer or educator will conduct their own research. This evaluation is critical for people who plan to work professionally, as the host country must determine whether a credential is sufficient or if the professional requires additional training and certification. College students can also benefit from the services of a credential evaluator because accurate information on their level of educational completion may allow them to avoid repeat training and classes.

The requirements for working as a credential evaluator vary by country. Some are educators, and they may be members of professional organizations that set standards for their members. Others may work on a more ad hoc basis; for example, someone in a college admissions department might be tasked with evaluating foreign educational documentation in order to determine where incoming students should be placed. People interested in this field can look at job listings in their area to see what skills and certifications prospective employers are looking for.