What Does a Cryobiologist Do?

Cryobiologists are scientists who study the effects of extreme cold on living organisms, biological materials, and systems. The term is derived from the Greek words kyros, which means cold, and bios, which means life. A cryobiologist might be interested in, among other things, how an organism keeps warm in temperatures below normal or in suspended animation. A cryobiologist studies cells, organs, and whole organisms at temperatures ranging from mild hypothermia to cryogenic or deep-freezing temperatures. The majority of cryobiologists work for private companies or government agencies, or as professors at major research universities.

Cryobiology is primarily concerned with preservation and storage at low temperatures as an applied science. The Society for Cryobiology, which was founded in 1964, is the primary scientific society. The society’s mission is to promote cryobiologists’ scientific research and understanding, as well as to disseminate their knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

Cryobiologists are interested in a wide range of topics. The study of how low temperatures affect insects, plants, and vertebrates is known as natural cryobiology. Some of these organisms have figured out how to survive below freezing temperatures producing biomolecules that act as anti-freeze. Cryobiologists could investigate how these biomolecules function and what practical and commercial applications they could have.

Cryosurgery is a branch of cryobiology that works to kill rather than preserve cells. Warts, small skin cancers, and moles are all treated with cryosurgery. The cells of the patient are rapidly cooled, often with liquid nitrogen. A cryobiologist might collaborate with a cryosurgeon to investigate how ice crystals that form inside targeted cells tear them apart.

Cryobiologists are experts in cryopreservation, which is the preservation of cells and whole tissues at extremely low temperatures. Organ transplantation is a direct application of this technique. Cryobiologists strive to make organ freezing and thawing for transplantation a safe and practical process that keeps donated tissues alive indefinitely. As more people freeze and later use their sperm, eggs, and embryos, cryopreservation is being used in fertility treatment.

Cryonics is a sub-discipline of cryobiology. By storing organisms and people at a temperature so low that metabolism and decay are halted, this method preserves them for future revival. The hope is that a problem that is beyond current technological capabilities can be solved in the future. A cryobiologist might be interested in studying vitrification or preventing frostbite.

Cryobiology is a specialty that is not widely available at undergraduate institutions. As a result, students typically major in biology in college and then specialize in cryobiology as graduate students. Microbiology, biophysics, or biochemistry as a second undergraduate major could be beneficial. For a research or teaching position as a cryobiologist, a master’s or doctoral degree is usually required. A master’s degree can take up to two years longer to complete, while a doctoral degree can take anywhere from four to six years.

Working for a private company or a government agency usually entails conducting research. A cryobiologist, for example, might be hired the Red Cross to help improve the preservation of human organs for transplantation. Some cryobiologists work as university professors and conduct their own research.

The majority of these scientists work in cold climates or in laboratories with chemicals such as liquid nitrogen. Although competition for research positions and grants can be fierce, most cryobiologists begin their careers as laboratory or research assistants while still in school. Cryobiologists must be able to work in groups as well as alone. Cryobiology is a rapidly changing field, so a cryobiologist must keep up with new research and developments at all times.