What Does a Facilities Planner Do?

A facilities planner examines a space to determine its suitability for a company, business, government entity, or other occupant. He or she will also be in charge of negotiating lease or sale terms, furnishing the space with furniture and other supplies or equipment, and inspecting the space for safety and efficiency on a regular basis. Other responsibilities may be associated with the position of facilities planner, and the person who fills it should have a college diploma or relevant work experience to ensure that he has the skills needed to do the job well.

Preparing the layout of a space for the intended use is one of the key responsibilities of a facilities planner. To put it another way, the facilities planner will need to take precise measurements of the space to determine how the layout should be drawn. If the space is to be used as an office, the planner must determine where furniture will be placed, where cubicles will be set up, where safety equipment such as fire extinguishers should be placed, and where walls can be built or torn down to maximize space efficiency. He or she must also ensure that all exits and entrances are clearly marked and unobstructed at all times.

Another important function of the facilities planner is to ensure that safety regulations are followed. For example, in hospitals, the planner must ensure that walkways are easily navigable, that the layout encourages easy access to stairways and elevators, and that computer equipment and other electronics are installed in such a way that cords cannot be tripped over and shock hazards are minimized. The facilities planner takes into account the flooring materials as well, because carpeting must be installed with no loose ends exposed and no rolls or lumps in the carpet. In many cases, materials used for flooring, work surfaces, and other applications must be fire retardant, and the planner must ensure that local laws and regulations are followed.

The facilities planner is sometimes in charge of overseeing construction and renovation projects. This means he or she may be expected to be able to read blueprints and work with computer design software. To ensure that all renovations or repairs last a long time and avoid the need for immediate future repairs, he or she will need extensive knowledge of construction processes and materials. To ensure that all codes and regulations are followed, the planner will collaborate with a construction foreman.