What does a Help Desk Coordinator do?

Accepting and prioritizing computer help requests, a help desk coordinator assigns tasks to the appropriate technicians on staff. He or she keeps an eye on these tasks until they are completed, and if they are particularly difficult or urgent, he or she may have to delegate them to new technicians or specialists. The coordinator must keep those who made the request, as well as others within the organization, up to date on the work’s progress and any solutions that are being implemented.

A help desk coordinator receives the request and enters it into a tracking system, where he or she assigns it to a technician and tracks its progress. To assist the technicians in determining which tasks are the most critical, the coordinator must assign a priority level to each task. If the technician assigned to the task is unable to resolve the problem, the coordinator raises the job’s priority and assigns it to a specialist. This person makes any necessary notes in the computer tracking system as tasks are completed before marking the job as complete.

Help desk coordinators deal with a wide range of people in the companies they work for. For example, they might collaborate with a company project manager to coordinate the necessary resources for specific projects in which the information technology (IT) department is required to participate. When building construction jobs require things like installing computer network cabling, they collaborate with facility managers.

This employee also acts as a go-between for the people he or she serves and the computer technicians he or she supervises. Furthermore, the coordinator must ensure that problems are resolved in a timely and efficient manner while causing the least amount of inconvenience to the computer users who seek assistance. The coordinator is constantly working to improve the process of resolving computer problems while adhering to the company’s operational policies and procedures.

An individual must be able to gather the necessary data from the person making the request in order to perform this job. He or she must also be able to assess the reported problem and assign it to the team member who is best suited to solve it. This person must also be able to handle a variety of tasks.

In order to evaluate the best methods of addressing issues, a help desk coordinator must also have extensive knowledge of computer hardware, software, and networking. Having worked in an IT department previously can often provide insight into the tasks involved. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are also required, in addition to technical abilities.