A photography assistant assists a photographer with administrative and technical tasks. Assistants are frequently trainees or people enrolled in apprenticeship programs who assist qualified photographers while learning on the job. Other assistants assist photographers with a variety of day-to-day business tasks.
Some photographers specialize in portrait photography, and the majority of their shoots are done in studios. Prior to shooting sessions, a photography assistant may assist the photographer in setting up lights, props, and backdrops. The assistant may instruct the subjects being photographed on when to smile, where to look, and how to position themselves during the shoot. The assistant may make arrangements for the subjects to pay for the portraits and pick up the finished photos after a photography session. Many assistants also work as secretaries, so they may answer phones and schedule photographer appointments.
Publishing houses frequently hire assistants to assist their photographers. These individuals may operate lighting equipment during remote photo shoots or load film or memory cards into cameras prior to taking photos. Assistants may be in charge of making travel arrangements for the photographer, and in some cases, assistants carry supplies and equipment during shoots. The assistant is frequently required to transport the memory cards or negatives to the production office once the photographer has completed his or her work.
In the fashion industry, a photography assistant may be in charge of coordinating with make-up artists and designers to ensure that models are ready for photo shoots. The assistant may inform the models about the photographer’s plans for the shoot or provide information to the photographer about how the designer wants his or her work to be presented. A freelance photographer’s assistant may be in charge of marketing the photographer’s work to fashion magazines, websites, and journals. In such cases, the photographer’s assistant must negotiate on the photographer’s behalf until an agreement on the upfront fee and any royalties can be reached.
Because the specific responsibilities of a photography assistant differ from one employer to the next, applicants’ academic and professional qualifications must also differ. Others accept applications from people who have taught themselves how to use various types of cameras or photography equipment. Some photographers prefer to work with people who have completed college undergraduate photography programs, while others accept applications from people who have taught themselves how to use various types of cameras or photography equipment. Major publishers typically require assistants to have prior industry experience, though many people gain this experience as unpaid college interns.