What Does a Human Factors Engineer Do?

A human factors engineer is often a good fit for someone with a creative mindset and a knack for improving products or machines. Basically, these people work to improve and enhance things that people use on a daily basis. Engineers strive to make things as safe, comfortable, and efficient as possible. In general, a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related field is required to work in this field. A human factors engineer’s typical responsibilities include determining which features people require in a product, testing existing products, identifying flaws, developing improvement strategies, and incorporating those strategies into new designs.

Determining which factors people need or want in a product is one of the most important aspects of being a human factors engineer. If a person in this position is working to redesign a forklift, for example, he might conduct research to determine the most comfortable seating, where controls should be placed, and how to make operating it safe. It’s critical to identify these requirements in order to create the most practical and efficient product possible. Working with other professionals, such as psychologists or industry experts, is a common part of this job.

Another aspect of this job entails evaluating existing products and identifying flaws. A human factors engineer may use surveys of forklift operators to identify the most common design complaints in the case of redesigning a forklift. He may also conduct some safety tests to determine the potential risks associated with use. This step is required for improving ergonomics and creating the best possible product.

A human factors engineer will begin developing improvement strategies once he has a clear understanding of a product’s flaws. In most cases, he will brainstorm various options and try out various concepts. He may also consult with industry professionals to see how realistic and practical his ideas are. This part of the job serves as a warm-up exercise before creating new product designs.

A human factors engineer will create new designs for a product after he has some realistic improvements in mind. He might, for example, design a forklift with a raised seat to give drivers a better view. He could also make a more stable frame to keep the machine from rolling over. A computer aided design (CAD) software program is frequently used a human factors engineer in this process. Following completion, products based on the improved design can begin to be manufactured.