How do I get a Job in Search and Rescue Dog Training?

Dog training for search and rescue is a highly specialized skill. There is a small job market for search and rescue dog training. Because many of the people who train these dogs are volunteers, and many of the handlers train their own dogs, these are the reasons. When a paid position in this small community becomes available, it is usually filled someone who already volunteers as a dog trainer.

If you want to work as a search and rescue dog trainer, there are a few things you can do to make yourself a more appealing candidate for the job. Following these steps will help you prepare so that you are a strong candidate for one of these rare job openings when one becomes available. Finding a paying job in the field will take some time and dedication, so a strong interest and dedication to the field is required.

Learning how to train a dog for search and rescue is the first step toward preparing for a career in this field. Contact your local emergency services office to locate your local search and rescue group. Before attending the training, contact the search and rescue group to find out what you need to do. If you have a dog that you want to train, that’s fantastic; if not, most organizations are always looking for volunteers.

Attend the search and rescue dog training sessions on a regular basis, whether or not you have a dog to train. It’s critical that you learn everything you can about the search process. While there are numerous books on the subject, field knowledge is difficult to replace.

Continue your education while volunteering with a local search and rescue group. Human and canine emergency medicine are important skills to have. Map reading, compass use, and wilderness survival skills are among the other skills you’ll need to master. Some search and rescue organizations will train you in these skills, while others expect you to learn them on your own.

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of a college diploma. While determining the relevant degree may be difficult, a college degree is highly recommended or even required for some search and rescue job openings. If you don’t have a degree yet, a healthcare concentration, such as nursing or veterinary technician, is a good option.