What Does a Laser Operator Do?

A laser operator is in charge of a machine that uses a laser to cut products to precise measurements, most commonly in textiles and materials like plastic and wood. These operators are in charge of setting up the machine, making necessary adjustments, and performing any necessary maintenance or minor repairs. Laser operators must also be able to communicate effectively with their coworkers and supervisors.

A laser operator’s job includes setting up the machine, which can be a time-consuming process. Controls such as heating elements, speeds, and tensions must be adjusted, and machines must be programmed with the proper specifications. Operators program the machine to produce the desired result based on the specifications provided. In the case of textiles, this would entail cutting the fabric to the proper length, style, and material. After the products have been cut, the laser operator must inspect each one to ensure that it meets the specifications.

While products are being manufactured, machines may need to be adjusted. To ensure that the machine is running properly, a laser operator may need to adjust the programming or another element, such as the speed. When a machine needs to be adjusted, the laser operator runs a test run to ensure the settings are correct before proceeding. Laser operators take great care to ensure that specifications are met and that no waste or incorrectly manufactured products are produced.

Maintenance must be performed on a regular basis and is part of an operator’s job description. Routine maintenance is done on a company-by-company basis. The operator will clean the machines as well as oil and lubricate any parts that require it. To maintain their machines, operators can use air hoses, grease guns, rags, oil cans, or cleaning solutions.

The laser operator’s job is to make sure that any worn or defective machine parts are replaced. The operator will replace gears, chains, cutters, and any other parts that need to be replaced with hand tools. New components are installed, aligned, and leveled operators. An operator will need to set up the machine’s rollers or guides, as well as place the thread, fabric, or yarn in the correct location. There may be times when a laser operator is unable to resolve a problem with the machine, and repairs must be performed a representative from the machine’s manufacturer.

Every laser operator must be able to communicate with one another. A laser operator must communicate with coworkers about job assignments and the machine. Supervisors must be notified if there is a problem, and they are also the ones who issue orders. Operators will record all information about their machine’s settings and work completed during each shift for the supervisor and the following shift.