What Does a Marketing Administrator Do?

Marketing administrators are professionals in charge of overseeing all aspects of advertising and public relations campaigns. These individuals typically have undergraduate degrees in marketing or sales, as well as graduate degrees in related fields, especially in competitive job markets. Marketing administrators frequently start their careers in specific aspects of the marketing field, such as advertising, graphic design, or copywriting. A marketing administrator typically meets with executives and high-level managers to discuss how an organization’s products and services should be marketed to demographics, as well as to learn which groups of people make up target demographics. A marketing administrator might meet with representatives from various marketing departments to direct campaigns, oversee operations, and participate in employee management issues such as recruiting, promotion, and task delegation after determining what an organization’s public image should be.

A marketing administrator is likely to gather research that he or she can present to executives to help them understand which direction marketing campaigns should take. A marketing administrator, for example, might collect data to help him or her understand which tactics competitors are employing. He or she might also collect data on popular culture trends, which could serve as inspiration for creative professionals who want to influence public opinion.

Prior to meeting with executives, a marketing administrator has usually done a quick analysis of market research data. He or she might give a presentation in which he or she discusses various marketing initiatives and recommends the best course of action. Executives may then provide feedback based on their own experience, research, and long-term business plans. Once an agreement has been reached, it is common for a marketing administrator to take on the role of project manager, which entails creating a list of necessary actions and plans for implementation, as well as delegating tasks to professionals from various departments.

A marketing administrator is also likely to collaborate closely with representatives from each department whose work has an impact on the success of a marketing campaign. An administrator, for example, might meet with graphic designers on a regular basis to create logos that convey a message that he or she decided on during a meeting with upper management. Based on previous market research, a marketing administrator might consult advertising representatives to figure out how to get an organization’s message out to the right demographics.