What Does a Membership Representative Do?

A membership representative helps an organization or business grow and maintain its membership base performing a variety of tasks. A membership representative’s responsibilities vary depending on the organization or business for which he works, as each has its own staffing needs and requirements. This person might take on a sales role in some cases, encouraging people to join the organization or renew their memberships. In other cases, the representative may act as a customer service representative, assisting members with membership-related issues such as obtaining benefits and answering questions about membership-related issues. A membership representative in a smaller organization may fill both of these roles.

A membership model is used many non-profit organizations as well as for-profit businesses. These organizations rely on people joining their organization or purchasing a membership and then renewing it. Health clubs, industry and trade organizations, and private social clubs are examples of organizations that use this model. To encourage both new and renewed memberships, an organization must ensure that there are significant benefits associated with membership and that members will take advantage of these benefits.

A membership representative’s sales function can take many different forms, including phone prospecting and personal interactions with potential members online, over the phone, or in person. A health club membership representative, for example, may schedule appointments with prospective members to show them around the club and its amenities. A membership representative for a trade organization may work at an information booth at trade shows and conferences to encourage people to join. Regular wages as well as commissions on memberships or renewals sold may be used to compensate membership representatives. They may also discover that keeping their job requires them to meet or exceed their organization’s goals for new and renewed memberships.

Other responsibilities of a membership representative may include assisting people in managing their memberships. If a member moves, for example, the representative may handle the change of address for that member. If a member is having trouble receiving benefits to which he or she is entitled, such as a publication subscription or a product discount, the representative can act as a liaison between the member and the organization’s department to ensure that the member’s needs are met.