What does a Nature Conservator do?

A nature conservator is a term that can refer to two different types of jobs. The first is someone who works in a zoo and is directly involved in animal care, such as feeding, cleaning enclosures, and watching for signs of distress in the animals. This person may also deliver public educational programs. The second type of nature conservator, also known as a conservationist, works to protect and preserve wild lands from development, as well as successfully manage land to maintain ecosystem health and biodiversity. Natural resource management and land-use planning, to name a few, are two of the many jobs available in conservation.

The first type of nature conservator is someone who works in a zoo or aquarium and dedicates their life to helping animals. Though this person may have received veterinary training, he or she will typically only assist the on-staff veterinarian monitoring the animals; for example, it may be the conservator’s responsibility to notify the veterinarian if he notices a sick or injured animal. Cleaning the cages and feeding the animals may be part of the job description, though many conservators delegate these responsibilities to others. Observational research, such as monitoring breeding or social interactions among zoo animals, will be done some. A conservator may also create educational programs for the public to enjoy.

Another type of nature conservator is a conservationist who works to protect the environment. Preservation refers to a conservationist’s efforts to protect a specific piece of land or region from further development. Conservationists, on the other hand, are more likely to strive for responsible, long-term land use, such as logging in a well-managed forest. Conservation easements are frequently used to safeguard land or ensure that it is managed responsibly in perpetuity.

Some environmentalists will concentrate on environmental law and policy rather than natural resource management. They might work to create new environmental laws or local policies, such as waterway or pollution regulations. A nature conservator may also collaborate with local governments on land-use planning or zoning issues, attempting to strike a balance between the need for economic development and the preservation of important natural resources and ecosystems. Some people prefer to collaborate with government-owned lands, such as state or national parks, to teach visitors about the importance of environmental preservation. There are plenty of job opportunities for those who want to work in this field.