What Does a Panel Operator Do?

Any individual hired to operate any type of control panel is known as a panel operator. Despite the fact that the job title is used in a variety of industries, it is most commonly associated with the person who operates a broadcast console during live or pre-recorded broadcasts. The term is most commonly used in the radio industry, where these individuals are an important part of the supporting staff for on-air talent, helping to keep broadcasts running smoothly and effectively, maintaining timekeeping duties, and managing other show inserts such as commercials, music, and other special announcements.

Despite the fact that a radio panel operator performs a variety of tasks during a typical shift, his or her primary goal is to assist the on-air talent who is actually performing. The panel operator must ensure that all of the equipment is in working order and that any pre-recorded material is ready for broadcast before managing all aspects of a live or recorded broadcast. If there are any issues with the equipment, he or she should fix them before broadcasting, or find suitable replacements or workarounds.

The majority of non-speaking roles in a broadcast performance are handled by panel operators. They frequently give performers cues about the show’s timing, such as how much time is left in the broadcast or how long until the next commercial segment. A panel operator also manages phone lines, adjusts the quality and volume of microphones and other sound effects, inserts segments into shows like news, weather, and traffic, and ensures that shows run on time.

Panel operators must be able to think on their feet in addition to having the technical skills to operate the equipment in a broadcast studio. When a problem arises during a live broadcast, it is the panel operator’s responsibility to smooth it over using whatever means necessary. This necessitates a high level of improvisational ability, which comes from years of dealing with on-air issues. Whether the issues are related to a guest who has yet to appear or a segment that is running over its allotted time, the panel operator is responsible for resolving them.

The panel operator’s work does not end after the broadcast. The panel must be handed over to the next operator, and any equipment that has been used must be cleaned and properly stored. The majority of recorded material must be archived. He or she may also be required to collaborate with technical staff in order to resolve any issues that arise prior to or during the broadcast.

Dealing with on-air talent is another common issue for panelists. Performing artists’ egos can be difficult to manage, necessitating a calm demeanor as well as persuasive communication skills. To ensure that the show runs smoothly, an operator must be ready and willing to absorb stress from on-air talent.