What does a Park Manager do?

A park manager is a person who manages a regional or local park, a public recreation area, a wildlife preserve, or another similar facility. He or she is generally in charge of the park’s day-to-day operations as well as its long-term functions. Participating in project planning and managing budget issues are two typical North American park manager responsibilities. He or she is also in charge of hiring and supervising other park rangers, administrative staff, and volunteers. He or she usually has a background in natural resource management or recreation, as well as experience working in a park.

Park managers are generally responsible for keeping their facilities in good working order. It may be necessary to supervise both outdoor and indoor areas. Campgrounds, bodies of water for boating and other recreation, and any other public natural attractions are examples of outdoor areas. Promoting visitor safety and enjoyment is usually an important part of their job responsibilities. Indoor administrative activities may also be supervised the manager. Many public recreation areas, for example, have gift shops. In addition to ordering supplies and merchandise, the park manager may hire outside vendors or contractors.

A park manager is frequently responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction. Conducting patron surveys is one way for this person to gather such information. He or she then meets with the employees under his or her supervision to discuss the findings and devise strategies for meeting the needs of the customers. Another common job responsibility is to raise funds for the facility applying for government funding, writing grant proposals, and appealing to private donors. The manager may also represent his or her company as an official representative. He or she is typically expected to form partnerships with other organizations, such as local chambers of commerce.

For park manager jobs, a college diploma is usually required. A bachelor’s degree in a field such as parks and recreation administration, natural resources management, or biology is usually required of successful candidates. Previous work at a park or museum may qualify as relevant professional experience. Managers in this position may have also completed training at a park ranger institute.

Some people enroll in ranger training programs after they are hired as park managers. For example, the United States has a national ranger academy that provides law enforcement training to park managers and rangers. These professionals can then make arrests and carry weapons to protect their facilities if necessary. Job opportunities and responsibilities for park managers are usually dependent on the geographic location and type of facility.