A research engineer works in a variety of scientific and engineering industries to research, develop, and evaluate new engineering processes and end products. A research engineer is usually given a project to work on that has specific objectives or a problem to solve. He or she will be given a lot of leeway in training and directing others, as well as managing the entire research effort, including testing of final results or products. The job entails a thorough examination of problems, processes, and procedures, as well as the application of engineering and scientific principles. To be successful in this position, you must have good judgment, reasoning abilities, a thorough understanding of the scientific process, and an understanding of engineering principles.
A research engineer’s primary focus is development and research. In order to address a problem or tackle an initiative set forth by the organization for which he or she works, he or she will conduct research and develop theories based on that research. Such research could be used to develop a new technology in one industry, or it could be used to research more efficient farming methods in another, such as agriculture.
Another major concern of the research engineer is testing. This could include putting new processes and theories to the test, as well as putting equipment used in the research project to the test. He or she will test all phases of construction, especially during the construction of research facilities, to ensure that the facilities will contribute to the research process. When a new product or method is created, the engineer will test the results to ensure that they are reliable.
A research engineer will analyze and evaluate the results of testing to determine their meaning, which is an integral part of the testing function. He or she can decide which direction to take the research project by understanding the results of these evaluations. Supervising the collection of data, ensuring its validity, and publishing the evaluation results so that other team members are aware of the project’s status are all part of the evaluation process.
A research engineer may also use his expertise to support other research efforts within the organization or with external clients, in addition to his core responsibilities. Another responsibility associated with assigned research projects is budget planning and estimation. Requesting and obtaining the necessary equipment, human capital, or other resources to conduct research and bring results to fruition are all part of this process. He or she will need to use good judgment and be able to effectively solve problems as they arise, regardless of where they are in the research or development process.