In order to treat respiratory problems, a respiratory physiologist collaborates with other members of the health-care team. He or she performs a variety of diagnostic tests to evaluate all aspects of lung function and assists physicians in determining a diagnosis and treatment plan for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other conditions. They may work in hospital settings or on research projects, depending on their level of education. A respiratory physiologist is a person with an undergraduate degree who works as a therapist in the United Kingdom in a role similar to that of a respiratory therapist in the United States.
Physiologists who specialize in lung function work with patients to help them regain function or reduce disabling symptoms that affect their quality of life. When a patient has trouble breathing, has suspicious imaging studies, or develops a known respiratory disease, a physician may refer them to a respiratory physiologist. A physiologist may be involved in one-time diagnosis and treatment or long-term patient care, depending on the severity of the disorder.
A respiratory physiologist may conduct tests to assess lung function during physical activity or at rest. Physiologists commonly determine lung capacity by measuring how much air a patient’s lungs hold at different stages of expiration and inspiration. Some diseases cause restricted lung movement, preventing the lungs from adequately filling or emptying. Because of inflammatory responses or disease processes, patients may have difficulty breathing or discomfort while participating in certain physical activities. Respiratory physiologists assess symptoms, measure oxygen levels, and use the results of tests to develop a treatment plan.
Testing may also be used to determine whether a particular treatment improves a patient’s condition or has no effect. Respiratory physiologists use bronchial challenge testing, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, and sleep studies as part of their evaluation procedures. They could use anything from handheld devices to assess breathing capacity to sophisticated computerized technology to monitor and evaluate patients.
A bachelor’s degree in respiratory physiology typically includes general math and science courses as well as coursework in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs. Students become familiar with the various test methods and types of technology used to evaluate lung function. After graduation, students can work as therapists or continue their education by enrolling in master’s or doctoral programs.
Professionals with advanced degrees can diagnose and treat patients directly or work as research scientists. Drug development or research into methods of improving lung function in patients with respiratory disease are examples of scientific studies. Researchers may also offer lung training to athletes competing in endurance events or training at high altitudes to improve lung function.