What Does a Search Engine Evaluator Do?

A search engine evaluator is in charge of entering various words or phrases into a search engine and evaluating how well the results match the desired outcome. For instance, an evaluator might use a search engine to look up “American Revolution” and then look at the top results. It can be determined whether the results found are as informative and relevant as they should be through analysis. A search engine evaluator may make suggestions for how to improve the situation, and a lot of documentation is frequently provided to show where failures occur.

The use of various websites to enter queries for Internet results is one of the primary tasks of a search engine evaluator. Someone might be hired the creator of a search engine, for example, and given various phrases and words to search through that tool. After conducting such a search, the evaluator records the top results and may provide additional information about the relevance of each entry. This work enables a business to gain a better understanding of the outcomes of human interactions with a specific engine.

Companies can also hire a search engine evaluator to see how well their products work with various utilities. For example, a company that provides translation services to various businesses might hire someone to conduct this type of analysis. The evaluator can conduct searches using words and phrases related to the information that the company has translated and provided. The results of these searches can tell you how well a translation went and how well search engines are tracking the new site. Changes can then be made to a page to ensure that search engines correctly locate it.

A search engine evaluator’s job often entails a great deal of communication and documentation. Following the entry of a query, the analysis usually entails further navigation of various pages and websites in order to determine the search’s results. This data is passed on to programmers and developers, who can use the metrics to determine how well software is performing.

The documents provided a search engine evaluator must be accurate and comprehensive. Others must be able to comprehend the results of an analysis, and a single phrase may require multiple tests. Because an evaluator often has an open schedule and must complete tasks within a specified time frame, time management and motivation may be required in this position.