What Does a Self-Help Author Do?

A self-help author is a person who writes books that teach people how to improve their lives in various ways. How to deal with extreme anger, cope with anxiety, or make a marriage relationship work are examples of self-help topics. Writers in this field essentially collect information on their chosen topics and compile detailed guides that provide advice on how to deal with them.

One of a self-help author’s most important responsibilities is to complete research on the self-help topic on which he or she intends to write. Interviews with field experts such as psychologists, therapists, and other self-esteem trainers are conducted a self-help author who wants to write about how to deal with depression or low self-esteem. The writer can also interview people who have struggled with personal issues and have overcome them with the help of professionals. A self-help author’s job description also includes looking up findings from relevant research studies in trade journals or news articles. In addition, self-help authors write down their own experiences and observations to include in their books.

Self-help authors face a significant challenge when it comes to actually writing the book. To do so, he or she creates a written outline that details the number of chapters or sections the book will contain, as well as the topics for each. A self-esteem book, for example, could be divided into chapters that deal with comparing oneself to others and physical image insecurities. The outline is essentially a detailed blueprint of how the final copy of the book’s content will appear.

A self-help book author also edits and revises the self-help books he or she writes. Reading through the book manuscript and spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation is what editing entails. At this point, the author rereads sentences, phrases, and paragraphs to see if rewording and reorganizing sections of the book will clarify a point. Reading the book from the perspective of a first-time reader ensures that the content is written for the intended audience. Furthermore, self-help authors hire professional proofreaders and copy editors to provide feedback on how to improve the content’s communication.

Another important task for a self-help author is to find a publishing house to publish the book. The author can either self-publish the book or submit the manuscript to a major nonfiction publishing house, following the company’s guidelines. Some publishing houses, for example, require authors to submit manuscripts that are typed in a specific font and formatted in a specific way. A self-help author’s main goal is to get their manuscript published and read the general public.