What Does a Signaling Engineer Do?

A signaling engineer creates train signaling and control systems. To keep trains running safely and smoothly, railroad traffic control necessitates extensive coordination between systems and rail companies. Many control utilities are automated in some way, which necessitates advanced engineering skills. Working in this field typically necessitates a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related field, as well as at least five years of rail industry experience. Because signaling engineers work on critical infrastructure, some positions also require the ability to pass a background check.

A proper signaling system must be designed and implemented for new railway installations. Companies can also request retrofits to existing systems to bring them up to date, whether to comply with regulations or to improve efficiency and performance. Clients meet with the signaling engineer to discuss plans, and the signaling engineer may prepare or request a case study to learn more about the installation’s specifics. It’s useful to know what kind of traffic will be passing through and how much growth is expected in the coming years.

Engineers are working on a system to meet the demand. This includes track-side equipment for sending messages to trains as well as networked computers for signal operators to track trains, control signals, and issue alerts. All of these systems must work in harmony with others in order for operators to successfully pass trains to operators in neighboring regions, much like air traffic control does with planes. The signaling engineer must design a system that has room for expansion so that the company can grow over time.

Failsafes are an important aspect of the design process. Working with a team to identify potential system problems and develop solutions and safety measures to protect trains, people, and cargo is common practice. When the system loses track of a train, for example, automation can send a stop signal, bringing all users of the tracks to a halt until the missing train is found. Similarly, a signaling engineer can create systems that prevent operators from issuing contradictory directions or commands, such as a go signal to two trains on the same track.

Engineers may be required to travel for work in order to inspect sites and assist with equipment installation. If a problem arises, the signaling engineer can help troubleshoot and repair it. Engineers may conduct an investigation to determine what happened in the event of a crash or other disaster in order to prevent similar incidents in the future.