What Does a Technical Lead Do?

A technical lead is in charge of a team that is working on a new software product. In some cases, computer engineers will manage multiple projects at once and work with teams of various sizes. On a particularly large project, a senior technical lead may serve as the project manager, assisted junior employees. To work in this field, most people need a bachelor’s degree and some experience.

The technical lead is involved in the planning process when a software company begins to plan for a new project or release. To discuss the goals, assemble a team, and create a timeline, a series of meetings may be required. The technical lead begins supervising the staff once the project is approved. This person may design the underlying architecture and delegate tasks to various team members to ensure the project runs smoothly. As a supervisor, you may need to check in on your employees on a regular basis, inspect their work, and provide direction to keep them on track.

As they work on aspects of the project and develop skills, newer employees may benefit from mentoring. One of the technical lead’s responsibilities is to ensure that employees receive adequate guidance while working, which may include providing instruction, referring them to texts, or pairing them with experienced programmers. Technical leads may organize social activities, team-building exercises, and other events to keep the group cohesive and functional. These responsibilities may necessitate collaboration with human resources and other departments.

Technical leads conduct testing as the project progresses. As the project nears completion and the lead wants to make sure the product is as ready for release as possible, this can be extensive and may involve outside software testers. Examining the code, attempting to trick or break the software in some way, and asking groups to use the software normally to look for bugs and usability issues are all examples of testing. Other employees at the company may be given access to the results of the software evaluation so that they can track progress and ensure that the team is diligently addressing any issues that arise during development.

Technical lead positions have a variety of requirements. Some software companies prefer to hire from within because their employees are familiar with internal policies and working styles. Others require a degree and a certain amount of experience. Job postings usually include information about required skills, such as knowledge of specific programming languages and experience in project management roles.