What does a Vehicle Mechanic do?

A vehicle mechanic is responsible for a variety of tasks that keep vehicles in good working order. Routine maintenance on vehicles, such as rotating tires and changing oil, is frequently a part of a vehicle mechanic’s job. A person with this title may also inspect vehicles to ensure they are safe to drive in accordance with local laws. Automobile mechanics work on cars, trucks, and other vehicles. A person with this title, for example, may perform repairs when car parts and systems fail to function properly, as well as when recalls are issued.

Routine maintenance on cars, trucks, and other vehicles is a large part of a vehicle mechanic’s job. This person can check and change oil as well as rotate a vehicle’s tires. He may also ensure that the coolant, transmission, and brake fluid levels in the vehicle are maintained at optimal levels. Air and oil filters are frequently checked and replaced by a vehicle mechanic. He may also inspect a vehicle’s braking system and adjust or replace components as needed.

Vehicle owners are required by many jurisdictions to have their vehicles inspected for safety on a regular basis. These inspections are frequently performed by a vehicle mechanic. He might check horns, headlights, brake lights, and windshield wipers, for example, to make sure they’re all working properly. He can also inspect the brakes and tires to see if they are in good working order. A vehicle mechanic will frequently check the emissions that leave the car through its exhaust system to ensure that they are within jurisdictional limits.

Vehicles, unfortunately, break down or fail to function properly on occasion. Repairing vehicles as needed is an important part of a mechanic’s job. A mechanic must first determine what is wrong with the vehicle before performing this task properly. Then, before proceeding to make the required repairs, he usually informs his customer or employer of the repairs the vehicle requires to return it to optimal function. A mechanic’s repair work can range from replacing a single hose or tube to completely rebuilding an engine.

The requirements for becoming a vehicle mechanic are frequently determined by the employer’s preferences. Employers frequently prefer individuals who have completed training in an automotive technology or repair program at a vocational or technical school, or who have earned degrees in automotive technology or repair. Many companies also provide on-the-job training.