What does an Academic Counselor do?

An academic counselor is a trained educator who offers guidance and support to students who are having difficulty with their studies. Counselors can assist students with everything from developing a course schedule that will allow them to meet degree requirements to connecting students with disability services to ensure they receive the accommodations they require. Many colleges and universities offer academic counseling services to their students, including drop-in hours and appointments.

Although many academic counselors have college degrees and may have received some training in order to better serve students, special credentials are not always required. The counselor must be familiar with the school’s policies, including graduation requirements and prerequisites for various programs. Knowledge of legal issues, such as accommodations for disabled students, is also beneficial. Counselors at a community or junior college are expected to be familiar with transfer requirements so that they can assist students who are preparing to apply to four-year institutions.

When a student seeks help from an academic counselor, the counselor can access the student’s records and use them as a source of information during sessions. The student is asked about the issues that brought her to the counselor’s office, and the counselor will develop a plan with her. This could include tutoring, using the writing lab, or encouraging a student to meet with an instructor during office hours if he or she is having difficulty in school.

The goal of the academic counselor is to provide students with the resources they need to succeed in college. Referrals to services that students may find useful, as well as advice on classes and possible careers, are examples of this. If a student has a special circumstance, such as a family death or an emergency, the counselor can assist the student in working with the school to obtain necessary accommodations, such as time off, rescheduled tests, or extended essay due dates.

Academic counselors are not expected to be available after the office closes, as this job has very regular office hours. It does necessitate that people spend a significant amount of time indoors, and computer skills are a must in most offices, as student records are frequently stored on computers. Academic counseling may be a good fit for people who enjoy assisting others, solving problems, and collaborating on solutions to problems. Academic counselor salaries vary region and experience, and typically include benefits such as reduced or free tuition for family members.