What does an Advertising Account Manager do?

Within an advertising agency or department, an advertising account manager is in charge of overseeing all aspects of a client’s account. Account managers typically work directly with clients to ensure that all account requirements are met and that the clients receive the advertising for which they have paid. Advertising account managers’ responsibilities are as varied as the ads their agencies create, requiring financial, interpersonal, administrative, business, and creative skills.

Meeting sales goals for the account, achieving account goals, and utilizing network leads to help generate revenue are all financial responsibilities of advertising account managers. Vigilant research is required to gain a thorough understanding of both the client’s and the agency’s goals and limitations. Account managers are also in charge of keeping track of the client’s budget.

Because managing a team of executives is an important part of the job description, the account manager must also have leadership and business acumen. When pitching account propositions to potential clients, advertising account managers must also exercise their creative muscles. The account manager acts as a link between clients and the creative team at an agency. While selling the agency’s strengths, he or she must address concerns for all parties involved.

Clients, account executives, and network contacts are all part of the job description for advertising account managers. Colleagues from the creative, financial, and sales departments will frequently join the team. One of the most important skill sets for an advertising account manager to master is the creation and maintenance of professional relationships. When you add in administrative and computer skills, an advertising account manager’s job description becomes a true multitasking exercise.

Advertising account managers are most often employed advertising agencies or marketing firms, but a large corporation may have a marketing department where they can work. The scope of advertising account manager responsibilities is frequently determined the size of the company. In smaller businesses, one person may be in charge of all aspects of a client’s account, from creative development to financial planning and account management. These responsibilities can be divided among various departments in larger companies. Frequent travel, long hours, and repeated stress are all common characteristics of the job, regardless of the company.

After working as an advertising account executive, one can advance to the position of advertising account manager. A bachelor’s degree in advertising, marketing, or business administration can help you get an entry-level job in the advertising industry. Internships and research projects can also be used to demonstrate a candidate’s relevant skills.