What Does an English Grammar Tutor Do?

An English grammar tutor is a person who teaches people English grammar, usually one-on-one. The majority of people who seek the help of an English grammar tutor are having difficulty understanding the structure and rules that govern the English language. The tutor’s job is to assist people who are having trouble understanding key grammar concepts and to help them improve in the areas where they are having trouble. The tutor’s first task is to determine which aspects of English grammar are causing problems for the student, followed by the creation of lessons to help them correct the problems. To teach his or her student, an English grammar tutor may need to start with basic grammatical concepts like nouns, verbs, and simple and complex sentences.

Depending on the level of the person requesting the tutor, the exact details of the role of an English language tutor may differ. A broad definition of the role would be assisting students in improving their English grammar through one-on-one lessons and exercises. Tutors are generally better at tailoring their lesson plans to the needs of a single student than regular teachers who are responsible for a group of students. This means that students who are taking English classes but are having difficulty grasping certain grammatical concepts are more likely to hire a private tutor.

Students who have a basic understanding of the English language and the rules of grammar that govern it frequently require the assistance of a tutor. This is especially important for people learning English as a second language or students taking English language exams. The job of the English grammar tutor is to assess the student’s current knowledge and then tailor the lessons to fill in any knowledge gaps he or she may have. A student, for example, may be able to construct perfectly structured sentences but consistently misplace the subject-verb agreement. Tutors must be aware of such issues and plan and deliver lessons to address them.

Other students, particularly those who are new to the language, may require the assistance of an English grammar tutor in order to gain a basic understanding of any grammatical concepts. In these cases, the tutor’s job is to start at the very beginning and work with the student until he or she has a solid grasp of English grammar. Many students will prefer to learn the fundamental concepts in a large classroom with a teacher, but students who struggle with the fundamentals may need a private tutor. The tutor will be able to devote more time to areas where the student is having difficulty.