What does an Occupational Therapist do?

The occupational therapist’s goal is to assist clients in finding and maintaining a healthy balance of work, recreation, and self-care that leads to a satisfying level of independence and competency in all three areas of life. Each of the components of a client’s lifestyle is commonly referred to as an occupation when examining them. In order to assist the client in making changes and developing qualities that will improve the condition of each occupation, the occupational therapist will conduct what is commonly referred to as an intervention.

Occupational therapists also seek to identify potential habits within each occupation that may jeopardize the individual’s health or have the potential to cause injury or even permanent disability. While risk exists in all aspects of life, the OT’s role is to assist the client in recognizing those risks and moving toward behavior patterns that help to reduce risk.

Occupational therapy can help people with a variety of problems. A skilled therapist can help a client by suggesting exercises to improve motor function, address attention deficit issues, and develop a greater capacity for assimilating and retaining information. Therapy is frequently used to help people develop interpersonal skills, which can greatly improve a person’s ability to function in social situations and collaborate with coworkers.

Occupational therapists can work in a variety of environments. Occupational therapists are frequently employed by hospitals to assist people who are learning to cope with a change in health or the loss of a skill, such as sight or hearing. This profession is also used in nursing homes and home health care, often to help people adjust to changes in their jobs while remaining in the comfort of their own homes. Occupational therapists are employed by some schools and businesses to provide support and access to essential life skills to students and employees. In every case, the occupational therapist’s goal is to help people get the most out of life by teaching them important skills and mindsets that allow them to improve their quality of life.