What Factors Affect a Paleontologist’s Salary?

The salary of a paleontologist is influenced by a number of factors, including education and work environment. Some paleontologists have earned a four-year bachelor’s degree, while others have earned a doctorate. Paleontologists can also work in the field, in a museum, or at a college or university; the salary of a paleontologist is determined by both the work environment and the specific duties of the position.

Paleontologists with a doctoral degree earn significantly more than those with only an undergraduate degree. The paleontologist can direct research and identify new areas for regional exploration as a doctor of paleontology. Undergraduates will primarily work with the fossils under the supervision of a paleontology supervisor. Some paleontologists have a master’s degree rather than a doctorate; a master’s degree earns a paleontologist more money than an undergraduate degree, but less than a doctorate.

Another important factor that influences a paleontologist’s salary is the work environment. Some scientists travel to remote locations to study fossils discovered there; these workers are usually well compensated because traveling requires a significant time commitment and time away from home. Travel expenses, such as meals, are usually covered by the paleontologist’s employer, resulting in a higher salary.

Some field paleontologists work in a more specialized niche, searching for oil deposits that have yet to be discovered. Fossil discoveries in specific areas can lead to new information about oil deposits, and paleontologists working in this field typically earn a high salary because oil is such a valuable commodity. Employers are typically oil companies that provide gasoline to local subsidiaries.

Paleontologists who work in a college or university setting make less money than those who work in the field. Paleontologists at the university level conduct their research and examinations in comfortable laboratories, and they frequently enlist the help of student assistants to speed up the fossil analysis process. These scientists may also teach college classes in order to supplement their income and gain access to the university’s laboratories.

The salary of a paleontologist working in a museum is generally lower than that of a field or university paleontologist because their work load is generally smaller. The scientist’s main responsibility in this position is to organize and supervise fossils on display, such as a dinosaur skeleton exhibit. Museum scientists will conduct research to ensure that the fossil bones are correctly displayed in the exhibits and that they are handled in a way that preserves their structural integrity. The paleontologist may also give a lecture at a museum to illustrate fossil history and educate the public about paleontology.