How do I Learn How to Perform CPR?

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a life-saving technique used in situations where a person’s heart has stopped beating or their breathing has stopped. Until emergency responders arrive, the procedure can save time promoting circulation and breathing. CPR is a combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing.

Anyone interested in learning CPR should contact a local chapter of the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. For a fee, non-profit organizations provide CPR training at various times. Certified instructors frequently teach courses in collaboration with top medical and educational authorities. Instructors can teach CPR using a variety of methods, such as videos, handouts, and demonstrations on mannequins that represent adults and infants to improve proper CPR techniques. CPR training classes may be available in your community, including at local schools, community colleges, hospitals, and fire departments.

CPR training courses are usually three hours long and cover how to perform CPR on adults, infants, and children in a single session. Professionals can provide individualized instruction and answer any questions that students may have. The course usually concludes with a written exam and a practical exam in which the student must demonstrate proper CPR techniques on mannequins. Participants often receive a certificate proving they are CPR certified after successfully completing the training.

Another option for learning CPR is to order the American Heart Association’s Family and Friends CPR Anytime kit. A person can learn how to perform CPR at home with the kit while fitting the training into his or her own schedule. The kit’s goal is to create a multiplier effect, so that when one training product is purchased, it can be used multiple people to learn CPR. An inflatable mannequin, a CPR skills DVD, and accessories are included in the kit. The kit teaches CPR in 22 minutes and can be used anywhere, according to the American Heart Association; however, the learning tool does not provide CPR certification.

Online courses can also be used to learn how to perform CPR. A simple internet search will turn up a slew of websites that provide CPR training. Online courses may be more convenient and time efficient than in-person training. Before enrolling in an online course, a student should review the material. Although online CPR courses may provide a CPR certificate, they are not always endorsed reputable organizations.

CPR is a skill that many people would benefit from brushing up on every few years. Many CPR certifications have a two-year expiration date. Enrolling in a CPR course every few years can help a person stay up to date on any new developments or techniques in the life-saving procedure.