What is a Cuica?

The cuica, also known as the laughing gourd, is an unusual percussion instrument that was first used in African music before being transported to Brazil and the Caribbean via the slave trade. Some speculate that the cuica’s squeaking, almost hornlike sound was used for practical purposes, such as hunting lions. The sounds produced were almost identical to a female lion’s roar, and they may have attracted predators in the same way that a duck call attracts ducks.

Many percussion instruments, especially drums, are played striking the drumhead’s top. In this regard, the cuica is quite unique. The traditional instrument would have been made of wood with a skin top that measured approximately 8 inches (20.32 cm) in diameter. The bottom of the drum was hollow so that the player could reach a bamboo stick hanging down from the center of the hide. The cuica player would dampen the stick with a wet cloth and modulate the sound with the other hand tapping on the top of the hide. The sound produced can range from the horn sound to squeaks, as mentioned above. The amount of pressure applied to the stick and the degree to which the hand touches the drumhead can cause a slight change in note.

If you like true samba music, you’ve probably heard the cuica, which is an important and necessary sound in most samba tunes. There may be an entire section of cuica players in bands that perform during Carnival celebrations, and they can march while playing because many of these instruments have attachable shoulder straps. Though the instruments were once made of wood, fiberglass or metal exteriors are now common, and synthetic drumheads are also common, though hide is still widely used.

The cuica’s distinct sound is well worth hearing. If you don’t have any samba music on hand, check out YouTube for a variety of demonstrations of the instrument and how to play it. The instrument can also be heard in a few modern American songs. Paul Simon’s classic song, Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard, is probably the easiest to track down. You’ll also hear cuica in the music of well-known Reggae artists from the past and present.