What is a Dental Technologist?

A dental technologist, also known as a dental technician, assists dentists in the laboratory by fabricating dental prostheses such as caps, bridges, and retainers. She could work in a large laboratory that serves a large number of dentists, or she could work in a smaller office laboratory for a single dentist or a group of dentists. In most cases, a person in this position has very little contact with patients.

Dental technologists who work in laboratories that serve a large number of dentists usually specialize in one or two types of prosthesis. Those who work directly for dentists in private practice are usually well-versed in the fabrication of various prosthetic devices. This job also involves assisting dentists with corrective brace adjustments on occasion.

The construction and repair of dental prostheses such as veneers, crowns, caps, dentures, bridges, and retainers for orthodontic brace patients is typical of this job. In the creation of these devices, a dental technologist frequently works with gold, stainless steel, plastic, and porcelain. She is expected to stay up to date on new materials used in the construction of dental prosthetics for patients who are allergic to traditional materials.

The dentist gives the dental technologist the prescription when a patient needs a prosthetic device. She usually reads it over, double-checks the details, and, if necessary, asks the dentist for clarification. A wax or plastic mold of the patient’s mouth is traditionally given to the technologist by the dentist to ensure that the device is properly constructed for a comfortable and secure fit.

Prosthetic dental devices are made with a variety of tools and machines. The use of dental furnaces, electric drills, presses, and lathes is usually required of a dental technologist. The final products are usually carved and shaped with precision cutting and shaping hand tools.

To be successful in this field, you must have a high level of attention to detail. Because much of the work requires the use of small electric devices and hand tools, manual dexterity is usually a plus. Manipulation of small components used in prosthetic construction requires steady hands. A keen sense of color is required to ensure that prosthetics match and appear as natural as the patient’s natural teeth.

Acceptance into a dental technology training program typically requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Two-year dental technology programs are available at many junior colleges and technical training institutes. An aspiring dental technologist typically works as an apprentice for a dentist for one to two years after completing formal training before becoming skilled enough to work independently.