What is a Virtual Career Fair?

A virtual career fair is a job fair that is held over the internet. Various employers agree to participate in the event posting a variety of different job openings on a single event-specific website. After that, job seekers are invited to visit the event’s website to learn about available positions. Many of the job openings at a virtual career fair are telecommuting positions, which allow employees to work from home or another location via the Internet.

A virtual career fair, also known as an online career fair, may allow applicants to chat with potential employers over the internet. Individual job seekers can visit a designated web portal and click on multiple job openings, submit applications or resumes online, and participate in multiple job interviews via Internet chat programs or two-way video technology without ever leaving their home. A moderate to above-average level of computer and Internet skills is usually required when searching for jobs through a virtual career fair.

Online job interviews frequently necessitate a follow-up in-person interview. Some jobs, however, may not require a face-to-face interview at all, such as those that allow employees to work remotely while performing information technology or cyber-security tasks. Virtual career fairs are increasingly connecting employers with employees who welcome the opportunity to collaborate despite geographical barriers using the latest telephone, video, and Internet technology.

An online career fair’s dates and times may differ from those of a traditional job fair. Some career events may only be available for a few hours online, while others may last several days and be available 24 hours a day during those dates. Visitors are usually denied access to the site after a scheduled virtual career fair has ended, or they may be able to view the designated website but not apply for available positions.

A virtual career fair can be open to the general public or reserved for a select group of people, such as university students or alumni. Job opportunities may be available in the private sector or with government agencies. Private online career fairs frequently require job seekers to preregister and log in using a unique identification and password. A virtual career fair may also be hosted on behalf of another organization or company a company that specializes in such events.