What is an Accredited Online College?

People can earn a college degree from the comfort of their own homes through online degree programs. Distance education students can pursue a degree and pave the way for a new career and possibly higher pay by using a computer with internet access. It is critical that students attend an accredited online college when choosing a distance education program. This is because a peer review board comprised of professors from other accredited universities or schools has given an accredited online college a positive rating. To be approved by these well-respected review boards, schools must meet certain criteria.

Degrees from accredited online colleges are respected and recognized by other colleges and universities. A degree from one of these colleges allows a graduate to find work that requires this particular credential. When an employer hires a graduate of an accredited online college, he knows that he is hiring someone who has completed a legitimate degree program that qualifies her for work in a specific field. Credit hours earned from an accredited online college or university can be transferred to another accredited college or university. Obtaining a degree from an unaccredited school, on the other hand, will not impress other colleges or employers looking for new employees.

One of several regional agencies accredits the majority of reputable colleges and universities. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Western Association of Colleges and Schools, the Northwestern Commission of Colleges and Schools, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the New England Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools are the organizations that make up the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Students interested in enrolling in an online school should check with one of these six accrediting agencies to see if their school of choice is accredited. Accreditation agencies evaluate each school based on a number of factors. Admissions requirements, faculty reputations, the quality of programs offered, and other basic information are all evaluated by the agencies.

A degree from an accredited online school is a great way to get a good education without having to leave your house. Parents who work full-time, those who want to change careers, and those who don’t want to commute to a brick-and-mortar school can all benefit from an online education program. Students can earn a respected degree from an accredited online college, which can often lead to a better job and a higher salary.