What is an Advertising Manager?

The person in charge of a company’s promotional and advertising operations is known as an advertising manager. Her primary responsibility is to keep the company’s customers informed about and interested in existing products and services, as well as to inform and excite them about new ones. To retain current customers and attract new ones, she is expected to keep the advertising innovative and fresh.

A good working relationship with the marketing director is essential for a successful advertising manager. By identifying their target market and developing approaches and plans to expand the customer base, the two generally support and contribute to the company’s success. Long or frequent meetings to discuss strategies and budget allocations may be required. Reciprocal respect and consideration for each manager’s opinions and expertise are required when establishing and working toward common goals.

An advertising manager’s responsibilities in a large company include managing, supervising, and motivating the advertising staff. For all print advertising, she has the final say on layout, design, and copy. Direct mail, display ads, and point-of-sale ads are all examples of this. She also approves ads that are broadcast on radio, television, or the Internet.

In a small business, the responsibilities of an advertising manager are quite different. In a larger company, she may be required to perform the majority, if not all, of the jobs delegated to support personnel. Writing copy and creating graphics, as well as general management responsibilities, may be part of this position.

An outside advertising agency is sometimes hired to create ad campaigns for very large companies or corporations. In these cases, the job of an advertising manager is more interactive than in smaller venues. She informs the agency of the company’s goals and needs, and then follows up on each step of the campaign to ensure that everyone is on the same page and has the same vision.

Using an agency could also entail combining print, radio, television, and Internet advertising, as well as hiring additional media experts. The advertising manager may have final approval authority when larger agencies are used. In most cases, at least one company leader is involved in the final decision.

After spending a significant amount of time as an advertising sales account executive, advertising managers are frequently hired from within a company. As a result of this experience, the manager has a thorough understanding of the company’s philosophies and goals, as well as a familiarity with customer personalities and preferences. Hiring an advertising manager from outside the company, on the other hand, may provide a fresh perspective and help the company grow.

For a position in advertising management, a college education is highly desirable. Any liberal arts degree, as well as business administration degrees, is acceptable. A master’s degree may be required by larger corporations. A certification in advertising, marketing, or promotion is often preferred by both large and small businesses.