What is an Education Agency?

An education agency is a body that is in charge of overseeing the instruction and educational services provided to students in a specific setting, such as a geographic area. A school district is one type of local education agency, but other organizations can also be considered education agencies. These organizations may conduct audits of individual schools, set budgets, and act as a resource for parents who are unhappy with a school or a policy.

An education agency can be a national-level authority in the broadest sense. These organizations are in charge of establishing national standards. These standards are usually minimum requirements that must be met, with local groups having the ability to fine-tune them as needed. These agencies may also be in charge of determining how much money each school district receives, at least to some extent.

Regional education agencies exist in some states and provide support services to local school districts. In this sense, an education agency is usually located in a central location and provides resources that many local districts could not otherwise afford. This is especially true in rural areas, where tax revenue and student numbers are insufficient to support specialized equipment and services in each district. A regional education agency, for example, might be in charge of special education and academic testing. When parents disagree with a decision made a local school district, these organizations can act as regional appeal boards.

A school district may be referred to as an education agency in some cases. The operation of elementary, middle, and high schools is the responsibility of individual districts. Many are also in charge of special education programs, such as schools for children with developmental disabilities or troubled teenagers. A superintendent is usually in charge of these educational agencies, and he or she reports to a local board of directors. These directors are frequently elected and have direct control over available funding.

These organizations may receive funding from a variety of sources. A school district may have the authority to levy local property taxes, which can account for a significant portion of the budget. State and federal funds are also received most agencies, either directly or indirectly. The federal government, for example, may provide funds for the state to distribute locally.

The main goal of any agency, regardless of its level, is to educate students to the best of their abilities. While not all students will succeed at the same level, an education agency can assist in providing some of the tools necessary to provide those students with the best possible education. To accomplish this, the agency must not only establish policies for the entire student body, but also examine individual cases and collaborate closely with parents, teachers, and administrators.