What is an Ichthyologist?

A scientist who studies fish is known as an ichthyologist. Ichthyologists work in a wide range of fields and for a wide range of organizations. They perform taxonomy for museum collections, which entails identifying and classifying fish, as well as teaching and conducting research at universities. They work for environmental and government organizations to research fish and their habitats in order to learn how to better conserve them. Ichthyologists also work in areas such as behavior, breeding, public and private aquarium maintenance, and more.

Ichthyologists work in museums to identify and classify fish species, as well as conduct research and collect data. Many ichthyologists specialize in either freshwater or marine fish, or subsets of both. An ichthyologist might work in the field, collecting specimens in different parts of the world. The preservation of collected fish is another important aspect of a museum ichthyologist’s job. Ichthyologists at universities teach undergraduate and graduate courses in biology, ichthyology, ecology, and other subjects, as well as conduct research and publish papers on their findings.

Conservation-oriented ichthyologists work for government agencies, environmental groups, and other organizations. They carry out studies on fish populations and management. They create fish and fish larvae guides and catalogs for specific geographic areas, as well as environmental impact reports.

Other ichthyologists work as educators, fish keepers, exhibit developers, and other roles in public aquariums. People trained as ichthyologists can be found working in fish stores, and private aquarium-keeping is a popular hobby. They also contribute to consumer publications about fishkeeping writing and editing articles.

It is necessary to have an interest in nature and animals, as well as a passion for fish, in order to become an ichthyologist. Most people who work in this field get their bachelor’s degrees in zoology, biology, or a combination of the two, and then go on to get their master’s degrees in ichthyology. Many universities and some museums offer programs in ichthyology. For higher-level positions in the field, a master’s or doctoral degree is usually required. A doctoral degree is almost always required to teach at a college or university or to conduct university-level research.

It is critical to speak with an ichthyologist about the job before beginning to study in the field. Prospective ichthyologists may wish to assist professionals in the field to see if the career is a good fit. Learning specialized fieldwork skills like scuba diving or another language can be beneficial.