What is an Insurance Claims Adjuster?

An insurance claims adjuster collects and analyzes data on a variety of insurance claims. He or she tries to verify the validity of a claim and determines whether or not an incident is covered by a specific insurance policy. The claimant’s compensation terms are then negotiated by an adjuster. An unresolved claim is usually taken to court, where an insurance claims adjuster may be called upon to provide expert testimony and present reports to a judge.

An insurance claims adjuster may interview law enforcement personnel, witnesses, and the claimant in order to learn more about an accident, injury, or property damage claim. In the event of a bodily injury, he or she may look into hospital records, or in the case of an automobile accident, he or she may look over a mechanic’s repair estimates. An adjuster frequently inspects property and automobiles on the spot and consults with experts to determine fair compensation rates. An adjuster usually creates a claim report after gathering enough information and tries to reach an agreement with the claimant.

Many claims adjusters work for companies that specialize in property and casualty insurance, while others work for government agencies or as independent freelance adjusters. The claimant, not the insurance company, hires an insurance claims adjuster from a public firm. Despite the fact that the job duties and responsibilities are similar, public adjusters try to negotiate claims in the individual’s favor rather than the insurance company’s. Insurance companies that do not have permanent adjusters frequently hire freelance claims adjusters.

A person must typically have a high school diploma to work as an insurance claims adjuster, though many employers prefer applicants with associate’s or bachelor’s degrees in business management or accounting. A variety of universities, community colleges, and accredited online schools offer programs that are beneficial to aspiring insurance claims adjusters. Established claims adjusters attend continuing education classes on a regular basis to stay current on changing insurance laws and new legal procedures.

Many states require adjusters to obtain a license by meeting educational requirements and passing a standard exam. Public and freelance adjusters must meet more stringent licensing requirements than employees of established insurance companies. A new insurance claims adjuster usually receives on-the-job training from experienced adjusters once the licensing requirements are met. To gain experience, new adjusters usually start with small claims. Furthermore, many professionals obtain certification from a variety of professional organizations in order to increase their chances of landing adjuster jobs.