What is Forensic Odontology?

The science of using dentistry for criminal justice purposes is known as forensic odontology, or forensic dentistry. It entails collecting, handling, examining, and evaluating dental evidence properly. Following that, the evidence can be used to solve crimes, convict criminals, and identify human remains.

Forensic ondontology has a wide range of applications. When it comes to mass fatalities, where identifying victims can be difficult, dental records can be compared to the victims’ dental work. Crime victims’ dental imprints can also be used to solve crimes. This is most common in cases of sexual violence and abuse. Teeth marks left on a victim can be photographed and turned into a model of the abuser’s teeth, which can then be compared to potential suspects’ dental records. Computer technology will be used to create the model.

The principle of forensic odontology is that no two people’s dental imprints are identical. Teeth marks left extractions, fillings, chipped, gapped, or closely spaced teeth can all be used to determine who left the marks. It’s possible that some of your teeth are twisted or tilted. Even people who have had their teeth straightened with braces will have some distinguishing characteristics that can be used to identify them based on their dental work.

Identifying the deceased is the most common task in forensic odontology. If there is any doubt about the identity of the deceased, a dental expert will be called in to compare the person’s most recent dental records to the teeth of the body. If no dental records are available and the remains are unable to be identified, the forensic odontologist will create a profile of the deceased using their teeth. An approximate age, gender, socioeconomic status, and race may be provided in the profile. The victim’s eating habits may also be discernible, but this is not always the case.

According to legend, Paul Revere was the first person to practice forensic odontology on a professional level, using dental records to identify the remains of Revolutionary War soldiers. It has been used successfully in a number of criminal cases, including the convictions of Ted Bundy and Wayne Boden, among others. Despite the fact that it is not always 100% accurate in some cases, forensic odontology is a very useful practice that allows for the identification of human remains and criminals who would otherwise remain unknown.