What is Involved in Border Patrol Training?

The United States Border Patrol is a policing force under the Department of Homeland Security that is in charge of monitoring the country’s borders. New recruit border patrol training is a 19-week boot camp designed to educate newcomers on all aspects of the job. Learning the laws, learning Spanish, firearms training, and physical education are the four main components of the training. After completing this course, every agent will be ready to meet the demands of this demanding job on a daily basis.

The primary goal of border patrol training is to understand the law of policing the United States’ border. Nationality law, immigration law, criminal law, and statutory authority are all covered in the four-part course. These classroom sessions teach recruits how to spot an illegal immigrant, determine the legality of that person’s status, determine if the person is breaking any state or federal laws crossing the border, and learn about the history of several other border patrol cases. This aspect of training will provide an agent with the legal knowledge required to carry out the law.

A border patrol agent is assigned to one of the two natural borders of the United States: the border with Canada or the border with Mexico. The majority of Canadians speak English, but Mexico’s official language is Spanish, so agents working along the southern border may face a communication barrier. A recruit’s Spanish ability is tested during border patrol training, and if he or she fails a language course, Spanish classes are required. Because many people stopped border patrol agents speak Spanish as a first language, these tests and classes are designed to ensure that every agent can communicate.

Border patrol training includes a lot of firearms training. Recruits are taught how to safely and accurately use a handgun and other weapons. Most importantly, recruits are taught when and how to draw or use a firearm in various situations.

Finally, to monitor the lands along the United States’ border, a border patrol agent must be in top physical condition. Each future agent’s weightlifting and stamina training is closely monitored and instilled. Recruits are also taught proper physical and mental care, such as how to eat properly and deal with stress, during border patrol training.