What is IV Nursing?

Infusion nursing, also known as IV nursing, is the care of patients who require intravenous (IV) therapy. Infusion nurses may be in charge of administering intravenous feedings or medications, giving blood transfusions, cleaning the insertion site of a tube, monitoring the patient for infection, knowing intravenous drug interactions, knowing the different indications for patients of various ages and conditions, and initiating emergency procedures, among other things. Nurses in this field should have at least an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelor’s degree in nursing, or a master’s degree in nursing, as well as a registered nurse license (RN). After that, the nurse must become an IV nurse specialist and pass the Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI®) exam.

Intravenous therapy refers to the administration of nutrients or medications directly into a blood vessel. Many patients can eat while on this therapy, but total parenteral nutrition (TPN) patients are those who rely solely on intravenous nutrition. Patients who have non-functioning or impaired digestive systems as a result of surgery, coma, disease, or trauma, or who need to rest their bowels, use this feeding method. Antineoplastic agents, or drugs that block the abnormal reproduction of cells that results in neoplasms, are frequently administered via IV therapy. Intravenously administered blood transfusions are a procedure in which blood is taken from one person and given to another patient who is deficient in healthy blood.

Inserting the IV line, a hollow needle attached to a catheter that administers fluids directly into the pierced vein, is the most well-known responsibility associated with IV nursing. The catheter, also known as a tube, is connected to a fluid bag that contains the necessary nutrition and medication. The fluids can drip continuously gravity or with the help of an infusion pump, which measures the amount of fluid the patient receives in a 24-hour period. Fluids can also be given on an as-needed basis, with the patient being disconnected from the catheter after each feeding. A syringe can also be used to inject fluid directly into a vein.

The majority of IVs are inserted into the arm or hand. A tourniquet is tied above the insertion site to start an IV, and the patient is asked to clench his or her fist to enlarge the vein and make it easier to see. After finding the best vein, the nurse cleans the area, pulls the skin taut, and inserts the needle at a 30 to 45 degree angle into the vein. IV nursing entails balancing fluids and electrolytes, monitoring vital signs, adjusting the patient’s nutritional status, administering fluids to keep the vein from closing, cleaning the tube, preventing infection, and changing the gauze at the needle insertion site, among other things.

Infusion nurses must be able to calculate medication doses and flow rates as well as identify the correct drug. As a result, courses in pharmacology, or the study of drugs and drug interactions, are included in IV nursing training. Infusion nurses work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, ambulatory infusion centers, and home care. Some patients may be able to administer fluids themselves at home, while others may require the assistance of a professional. Ambulatory infusion centers are often a more cost-effective option for those who cannot afford home IV nursing.