What is Professional Wrestling?

Professional wrestling is a catch wrestling sport that incorporates elements of theater and mock combat. Professional wrestling, in comparison to the Olympic sports of Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, is a flashier activity in which personality, style, and the ability to elicit a reaction from the crowd are just as important as physical prowess. Some of the moves are choreographed, and athletes must stick to a loose script to keep the show on schedule, but the majority of what you see is real action.

Many people believe that professional wrestling has its roots in 19th-century carnival sideshows and music halls. Today, however, World Wrestling Entertainment, based in the United States, is the dominant force in professional wrestling (WWE). The World Wrestling Federation (WWF) was the name of the WWE until 2000, when the World Wide Fund for Nature sued the company, alleging that it had violated agreements regarding the use of the WWF initials. Vince McMahon, the WWE’s chairman, frequently appears in plotlines designed to add extra interest to Raw, SmackDown, and ECW shows, along with his wife Linda and children Shane and Stephanie.

If you’re unfamiliar with professional wrestling, you might think it’s strictly a male-dominated sport. Women, on the other hand, are becoming more successful as professional wrestlers. Female wrestlers are referred to as Divas in the WWE, and a summer competition called the WWE Diva Search is held to find new talent. The women dress immodestly, but their matches demand a high level of athleticism, and serious injuries are not uncommon.

Those who enjoy professional wrestling often fantasize about becoming WWE superstars. It’s not easy to catch the attention of WWE talent scouts, but there are plenty of pro wrestling schools that can help you get the training you need. Former NWA World Champion Dory Funk Jr., for example, runs the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School, which has trained pro wrestlers like Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Test, Christian Cage, Rhino, Mark Henry, Val Venis, A-Train, Paul London, Lita, Edge, and Ted DiBiase.

Successful professional wrestlers do, in fact, make a lot of money from their celebrity. Some wrestlers, like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, have been able to parlay their celebrity into a more traditional acting career. A pro wrestler’s life, on the other hand, is far from easy. Injuries are common, and they can cut a career short. Furthermore, maintaining some semblance of a normal family life is extremely difficult due to the rigorous travel schedule.