What is WASC Accreditation?

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, awards WASC accreditation to educational institutions. WASC is in charge of accrediting schools in Hawaii and California, as well as various US territories such as American Samoa and Micronesia, as well as schools in the Pacific Rim and East Asia that may require or want accreditation recognized the US. WASC is a private organization, like all accrediting agencies in the United States. The United States Department of Education recognizes it as an accrediting agency, and WASC accreditation, along with accreditation from the other five regional accreditors, has a high level of acceptance among academics.

In the United States, school accreditation is handled private, third-party organizations that assess a school’s educational offerings. Despite the fact that the federal government does not accredit schools, it recognizes the value of the process. As a result, the US Department of Education rigorously evaluates accrediting agencies, recognizing only those that show they can provide comprehensive and legitimate accreditation services. Any school that has been accredited one of these agencies is considered accredited, though some accreditation agencies are more reputable than others in the academic community.

The regional accrediting agencies, such as WASC, provide the gold standard of accreditation in the United States. Degrees and diplomas earned at schools that are accredited these organizations are more widely accepted government and private employers, as well as educational institutions. Students who complete coursework at regionally accredited colleges and universities typically find that their credits transfer more easily to other institutions. Regional accrediting agencies get their name from the fact that they only accredit schools in a specific geographic area. National accrediting agencies are other accrediting bodies that do not limit their scope geography. While national accreditation is valid, it is not as well-regarded as regional accreditation, and many employers and schools do not accept credentials or coursework from nationally accredited institutions.

One of the three accrediting commissions affiliated with WASC offers WASC accreditation. WASC’s Accrediting Commission for Schools evaluates primary and secondary schools, while WASC’s Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges evaluates junior and community colleges. WASC accreditation is only available to four-year colleges and universities through WASC’s Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities. Accreditation is a lengthy process that includes self-evaluation school officials, site visits WASC staff, and a thorough investigation into a school’s educational offerings and administration.