What Should I Do after a Cystoscopy?

Proper care after a cystoscopy is essential, and any bothersome symptoms should be reported to a doctor for further medical evaluation. It is important to drink plenty of water after a cystoscopy so that the bladder is completely flushed out. Minor discomfort and bleeding are normal, but severe pain or excessive bleeding warrants a call to the doctor. Symptoms such as fever or an inability to urinate may signal complications and should be discussed with the medical staff. Warm compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers are often recommended to help control the discomfort after cystoscopy.

A cystoscopy is a medical procedure that is designed to help the doctor look into the bladder. Small stones or abnormal growths can also be removed using this procedure. The cystoscopy is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, although general anesthesia may be used in some cases. The patient is often able to resume normal activities immediately upon returning home from the procedure.

In most cases, there is little to no pain associated with the procedure, although some mild discomfort is to be expected after a cystoscopy. The most frequently reported type of discomfort is a burning sensation when urinating, and this symptom usually lasts for only a day or two following the procedure. Warm compresses or baths can be helpful in relieving this discomfort, although some doctors may advise against taking baths for a while after a cystoscopy. Drinking plenty of water can help to flush the bladder and ease irritation.

A small amount of blood in the urine is common for a day or so after a cystoscopy due to irritation to the ureter, the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body. Bed rest is typically recommended until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding becomes excessive or does not stop after a couple of days, the patient should be evaluated for potential complications. Fever and persistent pain when urinating are potential signs of infection, and a doctor should be notified.

Occasionally, serious complications may develop after a cystoscopy. If the patient becomes unable to urinate, a blockage may be present. This blockage may require additional surgical intervention in order to avoid injury to the bladder. Male patients who experience testicular pain should see a doctor in order to rule out a potentially life-threatening complication known as testicular torsion. Sudden and severe pain in the lower abdominal region may indicate a rare but serious bladder rupture and should be considered a medical emergency.