An engineering geologist is a geologist who has studied the subject and now uses that knowledge to ensure that natural geological factors are taken into account when planning a new building or development site. This is a crucial job because it ensures that the proposed building will not have a significant negative impact on the surrounding area. At the same time, the engineering geologist determines whether there are any geological concerns in the building area that could compromise the building’s structural soundness.
A bachelor of science in geology is the most common degree for an engineering geologist. This four-year program prepares a geologist for his future career while also providing him with plenty of hands-on experience. An engineering geologist can work in a variety of fields after graduation.
It’s crucial to know what an engineering geologist does before you can understand what an engineering geologist is. One of the most important tasks is to conduct research on an area’s geological features before any of them are altered, whether for a building or a site development. Mining, the installation of a power plant or wind turbines, waterfront development, or habitat restoration programs are examples of these changes. The last point, restoration programs, is particularly critical. If a company is allowed to destroy a wildlife habitat, it is almost always required to create a similar habitat nearto reduce the environmental impact.
Engineering geologists also look for geological features that could pose a problem for the planned developments and look for ways to work around them. Landslides, frequent earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes, erosion, and a proclivity for flooding are all examples of potential issues. In these cases, the geologist would assess the likelihood of the feature posing a problem before determining whether or not it can be avoided. These ideas would be presented to the company in charge of the site’s development.
An engineering geologist’s work varies depending on her area of expertise. She is capable of a wide range of activities. She is in charge of safeguarding the land that is being developed, as well as the people who will be using it, ensuring that the site is safe to build on. This is a critical position that cannot be filled just anyone. A geologist’s dedication to safety, as well as a mind for numbers, an eye for detail, and the ability to solve problems even in difficult situations, are what make him good at his job. Engineering geologists have been specially trained to deal with all of these scenarios and can solve many of the most difficult issues.