How do I Become a City Manager?

A city manager is a government official who is in charge of a city’s regulations, laws, budgets, and policies. It is possible to be elected or appointed to this position. The requirements for becoming a city manager vary depending on the city in which he wishes to work. Some cities have minimum requirements, such as obtaining an associate’s degree. In most cases, however, a person interested in working in this field will need a bachelor’s or master’s degree. However, if a person has a significant amount of related experience and is otherwise considered qualified for the job, a city may make an exception to the education requirements.

A person who gets this job is in charge of a wide range of tasks related to efficiently running a city. He could be in charge of making decisions about building projects and zoning, for example. He may also make decisions affecting the city’s health and safety. A person in this position may be responsible for supervising various city departments as well as making budgetary decisions.

Because running a city is similar to running a business in some ways, gaining business experience may be beneficial to someone aspiring to be a city manager. A bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in business administration can be obtained as preparation for this career. A degree in public administration is another option for further education. However, some people may be able to get this job without a degree, especially if they have a lot of relevant experience. Those who have previously served on a city board or association may also be considered favorably for this position.

Business and communications courses are among the college courses that a person can take to prepare for a career as a city manager. Courses in computer science, math, and technology may also be beneficial in preparing for this career. Classes in government, economics, social studies, and public speaking may also be beneficial.

A person must typically apply to the city council in order to become a city manager. Some applicants may gain an advantage over others by completing an internship with the city manager’s office or even working as an assistant to a city manager before applying. Networking can also be beneficial at times. In some places, a prospective city manager may also be required to pass an exam to demonstrate that he possesses the necessary knowledge and level of competency for this position. In some jurisdictions, the position is elected, and a candidate must run a successful political campaign to be elected.