What is the MAT Test?

The Miller Analogies Test, also known as the MAT® test, is a test that evaluates analytic and logical abilities. Analogies, which are problems solved by comparing the relationships between three known elements to determine a fourth, are required for all of the questions. It is typically used as part of the graduate school application process. The Prometheus Society and Mensa, for example, use the test as part of their admissions requirements.

MAT® test questions are designed to assess a student’s analytical skills as well as their vocabulary and cultural awareness. Three words will be displayed in a typical question. Two of the words are related in some way. To demonstrate the same relationship as the first pair of words, the third word must be matched to one of the single word multiple choice answers listed below the question. Understanding these connections necessitates an understanding of both the words and their meanings in relation to one another.

The MAT® test is a 120-question timed exam that must be completed in one hour. The exam can be taken on a computer or with a pencil and paper. On the test, you can earn anywhere from 200 to 600 points. After completing the exam, the test taker will be given a score as well as the percentile in which their score falls. When determining admission eligibility, schools may take into account both the percentile and the score.

On the MAT® test, only 100 questions are scored. The remaining 20 questions are included so that the company can field test new questions for future exam versions. To pass the test, you must answer all of the questions, and there is no way of knowing which questions are not scored.

The MAT® test is usually taken in a testing center, which is usually located on a school campus or in a separate testing facility. Candidates are allowed to use one piece of paper at a time and a pencil during the computer version of the test, both of which are provided by the test administrator. At any given time, candidates taking the paper version will have only an exam booklet, a pencil, and one piece of note paper. There are no other materials allowed, including reference books, notes, or electronic devices. In order to ensure that the test is taken in accordance with regulations, test candidates are frequently observed both locally and via a remote camera.