How do I Become a Tour Guide?

Many people associate tour guides with massive tourist attractions such as the Great Pyramids or castles in Ireland. The truth is that if you live near something that people want to see, you may have the opportunity to work as a tour guide. Guides can earn a good living, work for a company or on their own, and have a generally satisfying job showing others something beautiful or interesting every day.

Many countries require tour guides to be certified, so researching the requirements for your local certifications, studying for the exam, and passing it is one of the first steps you should take to become a tour guide. In general, these exams are straightforward and do not necessitate any additional education. Taking it early ensures that when you’re ready to work, you’ll be able to legally do so.

There are several programs that can assist people in becoming tour guides, the most well-known of which is the International Tour Management Institute. Although attending a program isn’t required, it can help you ensure that you have all of the necessary information and can also help you make connections that will later help you land a job. Many programs provide placement services, which will assist you in finding a tour agency in the location where you want to work.

If you already know which region you want to work in, the next step is to learn everything there is to know about it. If it’s a city or region, learn all of the tourist hotspots and try to visit them at least a few times a year to get a feel for them during each season. Look up local historical organizations and use their archives to conduct your own research, as well as see if any books about the area have been written. Find locals who are well-known experts in the area and ask if you can borrow a day or two of their time to have them show you around and teach you things you might not have learned from your own research.

If you want to work as a tour guide in an area with a central attraction or a few attractions, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China, do as much research as possible. Read the standard tour books, but also look for more esoteric books that may contain interesting facts that your clients won’t find in the standard guidebooks. If there are any graduate students doing research in the area, see if you can spend a few days with them to learn more about your site in depth. Although this will not be used for the majority of clients, it will help you stand out from the crowd and put you in a better position to respond to any unexpected questions that may arise.

Getting a job at a local travel agency or in the hospitality industry is a great way to start your career as a tour guide. This will help you get a sense of the types of visitors who come to your area, as well as give you the opportunity to learn more about the hotspots. Best of all, once you start working as a tour guide, the agency or hotel will most likely be happy to refer clients who want a private tour to you.