An hourly position at a financial institution can be the start of a career as a bank executive. As an entry-level position, you might want to look for a job as a customer service representative or a lending officer. If you are successful in obtaining one of these positions, you will be able to apply for promotions as they become available. Some banks provide in-house training that can help you advance your career as a bank executive. You may be able to apply for financial executive positions without having to work your way up the corporate ladder if you have a master’s degree in economics, business administration, or accounting.
To work as a bank executive, you must be familiar with virtually every aspect of the banking industry. Because many bank executives are promoted from within the company, you may need to start from the bottom and work your way up. If you can get a job as a teller, you can gain experience that will help you advance your career as a loan officer or collections agent. Once you’ve established yourself within the organization, you can start applying for management positions to gain the experience you’ll need to advance to the position of executive.
While you’re trying to climb the corporate ladder, see if your bank offers any special seminars or training programs that could help you advance to the position of bank executive. Some of this training will focus on developing leadership skills, while others will focus on industry trends. You should also inquire if your institution offers a tuition reimbursement program so that you can enroll in college courses that will assist you in achieving your career objectives. It’s a good idea to take some courses that focus on marketing and business, as well as some that focus on financial issues.
If you already have a master’s degree, instead of trying to climb the corporate ladder, you might want to apply for bank executive jobs directly. Some of these jobs are advertised on the internet, while others may be filled through word-of-mouth. If you want to know when one of these jobs becomes available, talk to friends or family members who work for banks. No matter what size financial institution you want to work at, networking with people in the banking industry can help you become a bank executive.