How do I Become a High School Counselor?

The requirements for becoming a high school counselor vary depending on where a person lives and wants to work. Each state in the United States has its own set of rules that must be researched separately, and those planning to move from one state to another in the future may be required to meet additional requirements. Nonetheless, some broad strokes statements about the type of education required for a high school counselor can be made.

First and foremost, most people should expect to do master’s-level work before becoming certified in the state where they will work. A bachelor’s degree program offers a variety of options. A four-year degree in education, psychology, social work, or sociology is recommended by some. Any of these degrees could make it easier for someone who wants to work as a high school counselor to move up to master’s level work. Although psychology or social work may be the best options, the most practical advice is to look into master’s programs in school counseling and find out what the minimum requirements are for admission. Choose undergraduate majors that are most likely to impress graduate school admissions officers.

High school counselor or school counselor master’s programs may be offered under a variety of different names. Student services, school counseling, student development, and student personnel services are examples of these. Degrees in psychology or child psychology may be acceptable in some states. Alternatively, some school counselors may hold an Ed.D, but this is a doctorate-level degree that takes a long time to obtain and may require a master’s degree in one of the aforementioned fields.

The most important thing to look for in a major or program is that it focuses on how counseling works in the school setting, and while students may aspire to be high school counselors, they will typically be required to learn about counseling students at all levels.

Another factor to consider when it comes to master’s degree school choice is the issue of state requirements. Getting a master’s or doctorate in the state where you intend to work is usually a better option. This is one way to ensure that the school will most likely support the requirements for postgraduate training, licensure, and/or credentialing. On the other hand, there are times when a program elsewhere is too appealing to pass up. In this case, talk to the state licensing agency about the school to see what might need to be added to the program to make it complete. It is also possible to obtain a license in more than one state.

After completing a master’s degree, some supervised work is usually required before credentialing can be granted. This is subject to change. Some people advise getting a “counseling/therapy” degree, which usually entails 3000 hours of supervised practice before being licensed to counsel people. Most people who want to work as a high school counselor don’t need to meet this requirement and can work without it because the fields of therapy and high school counseling are thought to be slightly different in terms of direction.