How Do I Become a Medical Assistant Instructor?

A minimum of an associate’s degree in medical assisting or nursing, as well as two years of experience in the medical field, is required to become a medical assistant instructor. Most colleges require additional education and experience, such as a bachelor’s degree in nursing or five years of experience in a related field. A master’s degree is required at some colleges and universities.

If you want to become a medical assistant instructor, it can be beneficial if you have some teaching or training experience. This does not always have to be formal experience; for example, on-the-job training of new medical assistants or teaching Sunday school could satisfy the teaching experience requirement. It may be necessary for a candidate to mention all training experience in the cover letter of a resume in order for a potential employer to notice it.

You should be familiar with anatomy, physiology, vital statistics, phlebotomy, and general patient care if you want to become a medical assistant instructor. The candidate may be required to teach a sample lesson the college’s Dean. Hands-on demonstrations as part of a lesson could be a good way for a candidate to demonstrate his or her abilities. Most colleges take pride in providing students with opportunities for active learning and hands-on experience. A lesson on taking blood pressure with a cuff and stethoscope, for example, could earn the candidate some points.

To work as a medical assistant instructor, you must first look for a position. Directly contacting schools that offer medical assistant programs is one way to find a job. You can contact the school and request the Dean’s e-mail address, then send your resume and cover letter to him or her. Even if there isn’t a position open at the time you send your resume, you might get a call because these types of jobs are in high demand. Another option for finding a job is to look on local job posting websites.